Recently Ten Wing Films released Beyond the Basement Door online! It is an H.P. Lovecraft-inspired story and it features Steve Christopher, Daniel Roebuck, Richard Pryor Jr. and Brenna Lee Roth.
Alistair, a genetic researcher, saves his own life from cancer by making a pact with some dark and dangerous people. The secret lies with whatever is making the odd sounds in Alistair’s basement. The deal he made forbids him to go down there for three days…no matter what he sees or hears. His sanity, his life, depends on it. As the line between reality and delusion fades, Alistair struggles with nosy neighbors (Richard Pryor Jr.), a rival ex-boss (Daniel Roebuck, LOST) and haunting images of a lady in blue. Getting out of the house only makes his anxiety worse. With each passing hour, an urge to open the door slowly chips away at him…Will he be able to resist? What’s making all that noise beneath the floorboards? How is Alistair connected to the lady in blue and what is beyond the basement door?
There are 2 ways you can see this movie. You can download it for free here on That is a torrent site like limewire where all of the content is free and uploaded by the creators. If you’d like to show your support a different way, the film is available on as well. You can rent (stream) the movie for 2 days for $2.00 or purchase a digital download of the film for $5.00. That’s less than a fancy coffee! If you like what you see, even if you don’t buy the movie, it would help us if you’d spread the word to others by sharing it through your social mediaz.
There is no doubt the landscape for indepenedent distribution is changing. To us, every mention and every share is important. Yes, it make us feel good about ourselves to see the “like” count on the facebook pages rise. What it also does is show a measurable level of interest. One of our crew on Citizen in the Temple worked on a sci-fi film last year called L5. They released that on vodo and through a gargantuan amount of blog seeding, forum posting and people getting involved, the film gathered 1.5 million downloads in the first month. The creator of that film has since taken the property to Hollywood where it is being shopped based on the online interest it achieved. So even if you don’t buy the movie, just telling others about it has value to us. What does the success of Beyond the Basement Door mean? We get to keep creating content, which we love to do. So give someone a nudge for us, won’t you?