R. Kelly’s status as an R&B and hip hop legend cannot be disputed. I won’t even waste time pointing out the man’s list of accomplishments. You already know them. Needless to say, I was pleasantly surprised this morning on my way to work when I heard R. Kelly’s Ignition remix from his 2003 album, Chocolate Factory. Every time I hear this song, I find new meaning and depth and this morning was no different. Here are the lyrics that stuck out this time:
Now it’s like Murder She Wrote
Once I get you out them clothes
I started to wonder. How IS it like Murder She Wrote? To find out, let’s start by examining the IMDB description of the show:
Mystery writer finds herself investigating murders that occur around her.
The show ran for 12 seasons from 1984 to 1996 and aired 264 episodes. It is one of the most successful and longest-running television shows in history. Kelly is one of the best selling music artists in the United States and one of the most successful R&B artists of the last 25 years. So the lyrics “Now it’s like Murder She Wrote” is clearly meant to associate R. Kelly’s sexual prowess with ongoing success.
Of course, there are other ways of looking at it and Kelly is known for playing with his listeners’ minds. Maybe he took a lady home and got her out of her clothes only to realize she’s dead. RK would then be at the center of a murder mystery. A more fun (horrible?) thought is that he went home with Angela Lansbury.
Knowing our friend, R. Kelly, all three of the explanations are probably true. Oh, that Robert.